Brackets, my favorite javascript IDE

I use Brackets for web development. I had tried several other IDEs but Brackets is my current favorite IDE. A few things I liked is listed below

Some extensions I use with Brackets are:

  1. Markdown Preview for easy editing of markdown
  2. Brackets Git for git integration
  3. Themes for Brackets For Monokai Darksoda theme I use
  4. Brackets Linux UI
  5. Interactive Linter realtime JSHint/JSLint/CoffeeLint reports into brackets as you work on your code
  6. WD Minimap for SublimeText like code overview
  7. Beautify for automatic code formatting as you save using jsbeautify

Beautify extension helps me a lot because most of the MediaWiki related code I write needs be as MediaWiki javascript coding convention. I never get it right if I format manually. The convention is a bit different from usual js code formatting. In general you need to use a lot of whitespaces. This extension was using a default jsbeautify formatting configuration and I wanted it to be customizable per project so that I can write my own .jsbeautifyrc file to get my code formatted as per conventions.

There was an enhancement bug for this. I wrote a patch for handling project specific jsbeautifyrc and Martin Zagora merged it to the repo. Here is my .jsbeautifyrc for MediaWiki

Brackets is in active development and I look forward for more features. The most important bug I would like to get fixed, that all code editors I tried suffer including brackets is support of pain free complex script editing and rendering. Brackers uses CodeMirror for the code editor and I had reported this issue . It is not trivial to fix and root cause is related to the core design. Along with js,css,html, php etc I have to work with files containing all kind of natural language text and this feature is important to me.

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