Video of our presentation from 7th Multilingual Workshop by W3C

Video of our presentation from 7th Multilingual Workshop by W3C, Madrid, Spain, May 7-8 Best Practices on the Design of Translation- Pau Giner, David Chan and Santhosh Thottingal. Abstract: Wikipedia is one of the most multilingual projects on the web today. In order to provide access to knowledge to everyone, Wikipedia is available in more than 280 languages. However, the coverage of topics and detail varies from language to language. [Read More]

W3C Workshop at Madrid

I will be speaking at the upcoming W3C workshop at Madrid. The workshop is on 7-8 May 2014 and the theme is “New Horizons for the Multilingual Web”. I will be co-presenting with Pau Giner, David Chan from Wikimedia Foundation Language engineering team on best practices of translation at wikipedia. It will cover the design (from both technical and user experience perspectives) of the translation tools, and their expected impact on Wikipedia and the Web as a whole. [Read More]